1) What is your fav flavor jelly bean? I dont really like jelly beans! lol!!!
(2) If you could choose between going to Disney world for a day, or $1000 dolars to shop in the mall? $1ooo FOR THE MALL!!!!!
(3) Which is better, Pepsi or Coke? Pepsi only out of the fountain but in a can coke.
(4) Do you consider yourself a country or a city person? CITY GIRL!!
(5) Would you rather fly to the moon on a space shuttle or dive to the bottom of the sea in a submarine? NEITHER!
(6)Would you rather be stranded in the Sahara desert or Antarctica? Umm.. probably the Sahara desert, but I hope I am never stranded in either one!
(7) Do you like fantasy books or biographies? Probably fantasy.
(7) Yankees or Red Sox? GO BOSTON RED SOX!!!!!
(8) Basketball or football? FOOTBALL TOTALLY!
(9) Walmart or K-Mart? Walmart!
(10) Do you think Miley Cyrus can (A) sing very well or (B) sounds like a sick dolphin? (B) she sounds okay.
(11) If you chose (A) from the previous question, what is your favourite song of hers? I guess rockstar.
(12) In regards to question 10, do you think she is a better singer or performer? Her singing she touches herself WAY to much. its kind of creapy.
(13) Do you watch American Idol? DUH!!!!! Yes I do.
(14) If you answered yes from question number 13, who do you want to win? David Archuleta!
(15) If you had to choose, which would you be, the President of the United States, or the King (or Queen) of England? The queen!
(16) How often do you check your email? a lot!!
(17) If you could take a dream vacation anywhere, where would you go and why? i think i would go on a cruise...... ;) but i dont know where to.
(18) What is the last state you visited? I think alabama.
(19) What state would you like to visit the most? California!
(20) What is your favorite brand of shoe? Probly asics.
(21) Summer or Winter? SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!
(22) What is the first song listed on your iPod? "always something" by switchfoot.
(23) How many songs do you have on your iPod? Only 71. lol But its just all my faves!
t.(24) Do you use Itunes, Limewire, or some other platform? iTunes
(25) What is the last website you visited? www.strong-at-heart.blogspot.com
(26) Which friend lives closest to you? umm....Hannah. lol I guess.
(27) Rascal Flatts or the Beatles? Rascal Flatts
(28) what is the last song on your iPod? "learning to breathe" by switchfoot
(30) What is your fav song on your iPod (not your fav song, just your fav
song on your ipod)? umm..probly learning to breathe by swithfoot.
(31) Rap or country? Really, either! lol
(32) Tune onto the radio, and tell me the name of the first song that u hear? I dont really want to turn on the radio and see. lol
(33) If you actually did question 32, what was the station? i would go to 90.9 way FM
(34) Do you think the Jonas Brothers are (A) Their music is ok, but i like their personality (B) They're totally awesome and their music rocks or (C) They stink and they are the stupidest ever? Probly (c) i think there weird.
(35) If you had to meet one of these people, who would you pick? (A) Brittney Spears (B) Hillary Duff (C) Miley Cyrus (D) Taylor Swift?
Probly miley cyrus.
(36) are you more liekly to buy "Luara Lynn" brand food, or the real thing? Probly the real thing.
(37) Do you like brand names (as in clothes), or are ok with whatever? I like brand names
(38) Have you ever gone somewhere and gotten kicked out for doing something you weren't supposed to? I dont think so.. lol
(39) What is the last DVD that you purchased? Oh goodness...we dont really buy movies.
(40) Last book purchased? Im not sure.
(41) What is the last website that you visited? hannahs blog
(42) Do you visit that website frequently? About everyday
(43) Has anyone ever told you that you look older than you are? Yes.
(44) How tall are you? I just measured and im 5' 3
(45) Are you an athletic person? During the summer i am...but not winter. lol
(46) Do you participate in any sports? Tennis
(47) Which is better, Xbox or PS3? I like the wii...but out of those 2 i would pick the PS3
(48) How many states have you visited? Lots! lol
(49) how many people are in you address book? I dont really have one....
(50) Do you like Twinkies? NOOOO!!!! there nasty! *ewwwwwwwwww*
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Posted by Taylor at 9:50 AM
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